I'm joining the 2016 Finish-A-Long this year! I need motivation for all my sewing projects and this is perfect for me.

Since I've been on here last, we have two new grand kids. Our son and DIL had a their 4th child, a daughter, Josie in March of 2014. They were so excited to have a daughter after having three boys. She is definitely the princess in the house. The boys are growing up so fast....ages 5, 8, and 10.
Our daughter and SIL had their first baby two months ago. A baby girl named Hadley. They are great parents and she is so cute and sweet.
I've made a handful of quilts since I last posted last and have made lots of window treatments for clients and our new home. Besides a few quilts and window treatments, I've been making zippered pouches.
I've also enjoyed a few sewing retreats as well since I last posted. Sew South 2014 - Charlotte, NC, Stash Bash 2015 - Atlanta, GA and Glamp StitchAlot 2015. Ann Arbor, MI. In April, I'm going to Sewtopia in Atlanta. I'm so excited as one of my favorite fabric designers will be there teaching a class....Denyse Schmidt (DS). I am working on my third quilt that is using DS fabric. It is always so nice to see my quilt friends that I've made on IG, blogging, and previous retreats. This will be my first retreat where I don't know anyone that is signed up to go besides Amy Newbold who is the President of Sewtopia. If you are reading this and are going to Sewtopia this April, please let me know.
Now on to 2016 FAL. My first quarter goals are:
**I joined the year long Farmers Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt Sew-Along back in September with my mom. I was on track until November and now I'm behind by 11 blocks from 2015 and 4 of the blocks that they've announced so far in 2016. I'm using DS fabrics in her prints and solids and am using a variety of low volume fabrics as well. My mom is on track and she is using 1930's reproduction fabrics.
**I love Elvis and have loved him since the early 70's. I have collected Elvis t-shirts and Elvis fabric. My goal is to have this a Elvis t-shirt quilt pieced, quilted and bound by the end of the first quarter. This has been on my to do list for a few years and I'm determined to get this done and hung on my wall in my sewing room.
**I need to make a commissioned throw quilt for a little girl. I've made her brother and her parents a quilt last year and her quilt is the last one to make. I get to pick out the fabric and the quilt pattern and I have to say that I'm a bit nervous. I don't have anything to show.
So that is all I'm committing to for my first quarter.
Talk to you soon!
Linking to 2016 Finish-A-Long on Debbie's blog - A Quilter's Table!
Yay for joining in again and getting those wips finished! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts. Officially, we do ask for photos to be included to be eligible for prizes at the end of the quarter. If you can add them into this post, that would be great! Good luck sewing through your list!
ReplyDeleteHooray! I'm excited to do the FAL2016 also. I really hope it will light a fire under my butt to finish some things I've been putting off. I still haven't finished my Stitch Tease quilt! :/